What Is A Holistic Marketing Approach?

A lot of my behind the scenes work over the years as a web designer and marketing strategist has been helping the business owners I work with to de-condition from all the noise of social media and the marketing strategies that are fast paced, trendy and fleeting. I’ve told multiple women to ditch their complex funnels and helped them to find a better fit when it comes to carrying out the important work of marketing your business.

When it comes to creating a marketing plan for your business, I believe in taking a holistic approach. What I mean by holistic is coming up with a plan that takes into account who you are and how you want to run your business. During strategy sessions we consider things like:

  • What industry your business is in

  • Where you’re at in your business

  • The season of life you’re in

  • How much time you realistically have

  • What your team looks like (if you have one)

  • Where your passion really lies within your business

  • Your relationship to marketing, writing, social media, and technology

  • How you most naturally express yourself and how your energy works

Once there’s an understanding of where you’re coming from, then we can customize marketing solutions that fit all aspects of you. Some of the common marketing strategies that are often utilized with my clients who are typically busy moms reaching for more grounded solutions are as follows:

  • Email marketing

  • Social media marketing

  • Website design and branding

  • Search engine optimization

  • Networking

Usually a combination of these are required at different degrees to create a balanced and well-rounded marketing plan that can be tried, tested and changed as necessary.

Why your current marketing strategy isn’t working

When we buy into the latest marketing trends and hype, it requires us to mold into someone we’re not and often do things that we’re not comfortable with at a pace that isn’t sustainable, thus hindering our ability to enjoy any success despite our efforts.

While you may want fast results and new clients like yesterday (and I've been there!), I want you to pause for a moment and ask yourself if perhaps your rushed and chaotic energy around marketing is the very thing making it not work? I know that was the case for me. Constantly investing in new programs and coaches to get fast results only to find myself more distracted and distant from the core of my business.

It might be hard to swallow but a sustainable and holistic marketing strategy is not meant to yield instantaneous results. It’s a long-term approach to naturally growing your business over time. This is what a lot of people selling the latest trends in marketing don’t want to admit but if you think about it, the more desperate you are, the more willing you are to throw money at something that tries to promise instant gratification.

When it comes to finding a marketing plan that works for you, there are SO many strategies out there and I promise there’s one that will actually feel good to you and when we find that sweet spot, not only do you have the confidence to carry out the marketing strategy but you’re able to sustain it long-term and THAT’S where the results come in. And as a nice bonus, there’s usually a little magic sprinkled in there when you finally align back to your values, you often attract some really cool (and fast) opportunities that you just didn’t see before.

To your success,



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