Yes, your website is important to the success of your business
I cringe every time I see a business coach flaunting the idea that you don’t need a website to have a successful business. I think they’re trying to say…just follow my formula and invest in my coaching program, but that statement of not needing an online home feels so off to me because there are so many ways that your website adds value to your business.
1. A website legitimizes your business and builds trust
Your website can tell the story of your training, education and continuing education. It will showcase client testimonials and success stories and bring forth a level of trust that can turn an interested user into a dream client, customer or student. Your website tells this story again and again which means you don’t have to try to prove yourself in conversations. Your authority is on display for everyone to see. Even if someone connects with you via social media, they’re likely going to check for that proof of having a website – it’s what makes your business look “real” in the online world.
2. A website provides quick and important information
Ever try finding a menu online, or a list of services but that company either doesn’t have a website or it’s so hard to navigate that you can’t access the quick information you want? Not sure about you but I have very little patience to scavenge the internet for information that should be readily available for any business. In a world where our dog walkers, plumbers, and local hangout spots all manage to have a website, I find it critical for wellness professionals, especially those with online programs and services, to have one as well.
3. A website provides clarity on what you do
Your website can provide the concrete language and imagery to explain exactly what it is that you do. Sometimes it can be hard to tell on social media where we often share our life and business, exactly what it is that you offer. Your website is the space for the tangibles. This one is especially important in the alternative healing space. Energy workers, transformational coaches, these careers, while starting to grow rapidly, are still not mainstream. It’s easy to sell yourself to your inner circle of other healers and coaches…not so much when you step out of that bubble. Your website provides the language and understanding to help more people in our communities experience the magic of different modalities.
4. Your website is YOURS
Remember those times when a major social media platform was down? Or how about when you or someone you know got blocked from those platforms? Putting all your “eggs” in the social media basket is not a great idea when you don’t own those platforms. Your website, like your email list, is all yours. You own it, you control it, and it stays even if IG goes. Having a diversified online presence is critical in a chaotic online social environment that is still very much in its infancy. Sure, your website can crash but that’s why we have backups and support teams to help us turn the lights back on.
Your website is one of your most powerful marketing tools and a great asset to your business. Don’t miss out on what a professional website can do to make your life (and business) better!
If you have no idea where to begin but you’re interested in getting a new website, click here to download my free web design prep guide. I share everything you need to know so you’ll be prepared and feel confident when it comes time to find a designer and start building your new website.